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On Wed, 2006-11-22 at 17:17 +0100, Evert Glebbeek wrote:
> That aside, great call!
> The earliest time I have to seriously look at Allegro again is around
> Christmas, so this is very timely. :)
Yes, very good news. I've also been meaning to work on a 4.3 X11-OpenGL
display driver test since months, just to get a first reference of such
a new driver.. but seems I'll only be able to have something working
around Christmas as well.
I'll try to do an AllegroGL release a week later (no time this weekend),
which then should work together with Allegro 4.2.1 on
Windows/OSX/Linux.. I think the last AllegroGL 0.4.0 RCs also were quite
useable, so I'll just release the current SVN there with the fixes since
Elias Pschernig