Re: [AD] mouse_api branch

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A couple more questions:
When the pointer passes outside the window, should it continue to
generate events, generate move events clipped to the window, not
generate any events or generate one last event at the window's border?
Should dx and dy be the true mouse move or just the difference between
this event and the last reported event?
Should button states be reported in a move event (and pointer position
in a button up/down event)?


On 8/26/06, Peter Wang <tjaden@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 2006-08-25, Peter Hull <peterhull90@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Almost ready to go on this, it's working mostly (no mouse wheel as
> yet) but is down.
> Regarding mouse wheel, I'd like one extra axis in the mouse structure
> as my mouse has a 2d mouse wheel. Can this be the 'w' axis? Has anyone
> got more axes than this?

Sounds fine to me.


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