Re: [AD] mouse_api branch

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On 2006-08-26, Peter Hull <peterhull90@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> A couple more questions:
> When the pointer passes outside the window, should it continue to
> generate events, generate move events clipped to the window, not
> generate any events or generate one last event at the window's border?

Good questions.  I'm not sure all platforms will be able to [easily]
support generating events when the pointer is out of the window, so the
common denominator would be to only generate events while in the window.

We should have mouse enter / mouse exit events.  Then many of the
questions should go away :-)

> Should dx and dy be the true mouse move or just the difference between
> this event and the last reported event?

I suppose you're talking about when the mouse leaves the window, then
enters from another spot?  I think this questions also goes away with
mouse enter/exit events.

> Should button states be reported in a move event (and pointer position
> in a button up/down event)?

Yes to both.


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