Re: [AD] Allegro 4.2.1 stress test

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On Tuesday 29 August 2006 22:55, Stephen Apostolopoulos wrote:
> Mingw (GCC 3.4.4) under Windows 2003, everything compiles and works ok!  
> (tested sound, mouse, keyboard and gfx modes). Anything special we should  
> look out for?

Try testing the ABI compatibility: 4.2.0 programs should use the 4.2.1 DLL 
without problems; 4.2.1 programs should report anerror when using the 
4.2.0 DLL (if they check the return value of allegro_init).
Also, check for hardware accelerated stretch_blit(). This was tested 
extensively and should work, but best to check if it really does.


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