Re: [AD] 16 bit color depth in full screen osx

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I've also found that you can't use create_system_bitmap() in Mac fullscreen
when the screen color depth is 15 bit.  Using create_bitmap() with 15bit
fullscreen is noticeably slower than 32bit create_system_bitmap().

Kirk Black
President / Owner
Family Time! Interactive, L.L.C.
Mobile: 512.771.5762
Email: runesabre@xxxxxxxxxx
-----Original Message-----
From: alleg-developers-bounces@xxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:alleg-developers-bounces@xxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Jon
Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2006 9:29 PM
To: Coordination of admins/developers of the game programming library
Subject: [AD] 16 bit color depth in full screen osx

I was just fooling around with full screen 16 bit mode in osx but
set_gfx_mode always returned -1. I tracked it down to this code in qzfull.m

  if (1
       && (color_depth != 8)
       && (color_depth != 15)
       && (color_depth != 32)
       ) {
      ustrzcpy(allegro_error, ALLEGRO_ERROR_SIZE,
get_config_text("Unsupported color depth"));
      return NULL;

Which clearly doesn't handle color_depth of 16. I added && (color_depth
!= 16) and my game works fine. I assume somewhere along the way the
color_depth should be forced to be 15 if it came in as 16 but this wasnt
happening and I didnt see where it was supposed to happen. Am I missing
something or is this a bug?

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