Re: [AD] 4.3 display update methods

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On 7/24/06, Elias Pschernig <elias@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
And I'd rename them a bit, for example:

AL_FLIP - al_flip_display will make changes visible. I guess this is
better than "retained", since we probably won't implement a real
retained mode (where only a list of primitives is stored, and then
executed for al_flip_display).

AL_UPDATE - the non-retained mode. The user would respond to update
events with calls to al_update_rectangle, after redrawing only part of
the window. This would have been most useful in the past for X11, which
always was very slow (with XGL it probably won't matter anymore though).

Both of which could probably be combined with a "direct access" mode,
where Allegro maintains an additional memory cache. So maybe an
AL_DIRECT which can be combined with both?
Does everyone agree with the principle of Elias's suggestion? I'm not
as happy with the actual names as they don't seem intuitive to me - I
would prefer something like RETAINED/NON_RETAINED, but then I wasn't
aware that "retained" refers specifically to storing a list of


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