Re: [AD] outdated files cleanup

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On 2006-08-14, Elias Pschernig <elias@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Yes, I agree, the "src" (and "include") directory itself could also need
> cleaning up. That's next on the list :) But best to start with the big
> and easy things, which are the outdated drivers. What is the reason you
> want to keep them in the toplevel SVN?
> There aren't any changes supposed to be made on them anymore, and they
> will stay in each tag and branch for reference later for the new drivers
> (in case we really will want any new DOS or Mac OS9 drivers, which I
> somewhat doubt - so probably the code is abandoned forever already).

Hmm, you're right.  Ok, I won't object to removing them, but in return
you must do some work on Allegro.


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