[AD] outdated files cleanup

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I find it hard to keep overview for things like converting over old gfx
drivers with all the outdated source files littering 4.3, so I'd like to
do something like this:

svn rm src/dos
svn rm src/beos
svn rm src/qnx
svn rm src/mac

No code would be lost, just moved out of the working dir. Once the new
4.3 driver structures have stabilized, maybe around 4.3.3 or 4.3.4,
interested developers could start adding back any of those platforms, as
well as new ones.

In a similar way I'm wondering if all non-X-linux and
non-DirectX-windows drivers could be removed for now.

The next step then would be to re-implement the 3 remaining drivers
using the new, yet to be determined in detail, AL_DISPLAY, and finally
get rid of the current al_create_display which simply hooks into the 4.2

Anything speaking against it?

Elias Pschernig

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