Re: [AD] Resizeable windows

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On 2006-08-19, Peter Hull <peterhull90@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> What's the plan for resizeable windows?
> There could be either
> A flag (AL_RESIZEABLE) to al_create_display and an event to tell
> the app it's been resized
> or
> An event which is a request for a resize, which a compliant app
> would respond to by calling al_resize_display* If an app doesn't
> want to resize it just ignores this message.
> or
> No resizing at all

I would also add "Request to the OS that the display attributes are
locked", which may be possible only during display creation or even
once per application. Exotic question: would/will Xorg/Vista allow
screen resizes at runtime (I mean both the hardware and virtual
resolution) in full screen modes? If so, would color depth be
allowed to change? How do end user applications deal with that?

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