Re: [AD] multiple windows

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On Mon, 2006-08-21 at 14:27 +0200, Milan Mimica wrote:
> Elias Pschernig wrote:
> > BITMAP* to_compatible_bitmap(DISPLAY*, BITMAP*)
> > 
> > second will take such an AL_BITMAP and always return a "memory bitmap",
> > i.e. a bitmap in one of Allegro's platform independent formats (such as
> > AL_RGB_8_8_8_8 or AL_FLOAT_32_32_32_32), residing in standard memory.
> Basically, a convenience function that creates a memory bitmap of the 
> same size and blits onto it. Why does it need a AL_DISPLAY*?

Shouldn't need it. So this means:

from_compatible_bitmap would be a method of AL_DISPLAY_DRIVER (or
however it will be named, maybe AL_DISPLAY_VTABLE), where the display
driver creates a 'video bitmap' from a memory bitmap.

to_compatible_bitmap would be a method of AL_BITMAP_DRIVER (or
AL_BITMAP_VTABLE or whatever), where the bitmap creates a memory bitmap
copy of itself.

I don't know, might as well have the second one also be a method of
AL_DISPLAY, where the display creates a memory bitmap from a 'video
bitmap' - hence the parameter.

Elias Pschernig

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