Re: [AD] moving mailing list to google groups?

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I'm kind of skeptical to what their intentions are honestly. They seem very 
envious in a monopolistic manner, who knows how their tables might turn in 
the future. You can view the faq on the hosting bit here:
The problem I see with using their service entirely is that they don't offer a 
compile farm, shell services and some other niceties that SF does. And as it 
seems the only services that I've noticed to have hiccups on SF is CVS and 
mailman which is the topic of this discussion.
I don't think the mailinglist should be moved to google. However it could be 
used as an alternative archive as long as the two can be kept in sync. If I 
read correctly it is more than capable of doing that. But the consideration 
of doing so is extra work and probably in the end not worth it.

木曜日 03 8月 2006 11:52、Jon Rafkind さんは書きました:
> I didn't see this mentioned but I just saw google hosting on
> today.
> Im not sure if they are planning to host files and other things SF does
> but if so maybe allegro could move entirely to google?
> Victor wrote:
> > Allegro already has to many discussion forums: [AL], [AD], #allegro,
> > and some others in many others places.
> >
> > Migrating to Google Groups or somewhere else will just create another
> > discussion forum. There will be always some people looking for [AL] or
> > [AD] because Allegro's documentation says that these mailing lists are
> > the places for discussion about allegro. And there always will be
> > someone looking for old documentation files.
> >
> > At this moment, as i can see, is the most stable, active and
> > reliable forum for allegro. The cons is that is a forum, not
> > a mailing list, so you won't get messages in the mail (at least if ML
> > don't plan to change this). Other cons is that olders threads won't
> > show up if you don't search for them (at least in this moment).
> >
> > Victor
> >
> > --- Chris Robinson <chris.kcat@xxxxxxxxxx> escreveu:
> >> On Wednesday 02 August 2006 06:11, Evert Glebbeek wrote:
> >>> Apart from having everything together being an
> >>> advantage,
> >>
> >> Don't forget we did move the repository to BAFServ for a while when
> >> people got
> >> fed up with SF's CVS problems and the delays in getting SVN up (which
> >> I think
> >> that went relatively smoothly). And it seems to me that the mailing
> >> lists has
> >> more problems than CVS/SVN.
> >>
> >>> some amount of long-term consistency is a good thing as well.
> >>
> >> Other projects have moved mailing lists before without many problems.
> >> Just
> >> need to make sure to update links on the website, and keep an archive
> >> of the
> >> SF mailing list somewhere.
> >>
> >> I'm personally not too sure if we should move yet. The idea is nice
> >> and I'd be
> >> up for trying and all, but we'd need to make sure Google Groups is
> >> stable and
> >> won't show its own problems somewhere. I can't really think of a way
> >> to test
> >> that without actually moving, though. I suppose we could look for
> >> other
> >> groups that have been on GG for a while and have had a fair amount of
> >>
> >> activity, and see what they say.
> >
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