Re: [AD] Getting back up to speed and the role of the Dictator

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On Wed, 2006-07-19 at 22:40 +0200, Evert Glebbeek wrote:
> The 4.3 Dictator would have to get a checklist of things that should be in 
> 4.3, draft a timeframe and motivate people (and himself) to contribute. 
> The latter will be by far the hardest part, as we're all pressed for time.
> I hope that this will make it a bit easier and less time consuming to be 
> Dictator, because the `job' is only for the forseable future or with a 
> specific goal in mind.
> Thoughts? Candidates?
> Peter Wang and Elias Pschernig are the first names that leap to my mind.

I agree. Having a goal for 4.3.0 and working towards that will be best,
even if it means making 4.3.0 somewhat feature stripped, e.g. no working
backwards compatibility layer. (4.4.0 is the version which would need
all the stuff, but we need not care about that yet.)

I think, Peter is ideal, de-facto he has the role of 4.3 maintainer
already anyway :)

Elias Pschernig

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