Re: [AD] Getting back up to speed and the role of the Dictator |
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Evert Glebbeek wrote:
The 4.3 Dictator would have to get a checklist of things that should be in 4.3, draft a timeframe and motivate people (and himself) to contribute. The latter will be by far the hardest part, as we're all pressed for time.I hope that this will make it a bit easier and less time consuming to be Dictator, because the `job' is only for the forseable future or with a specific goal in mind.Thoughts? Candidates? Peter Wang and Elias Pschernig are the first names that leap to my mind.
+1I know I haven't been very active in either Allegro development or this very mailing list, but that doesn't prevent me from finding this a good idea ;)
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