Re: [AD] 4.3 documenntation (was: Re: 4.3.0 progress)

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On Sunday 23 July 2006 18:15, Andrei Ellman wrote:
> Just out of interest, has anyone considered switching from the 
> proprietary ._tx documentation format to a self-documenting 
> sourcecode-comments based form of documentation such as Doxygen?

It's been discussed, but I think the feeling was (it's certainly my 
feeling) that Doxygen based documentation tends to suck horribly.

Personally, I think a manual is something else than a list of functions 
with two lines of text describing each. Allegro's current manual is 
exceptional if compared with some other `manuals' out there. I think part 
of this strength comes from the logical separation between manual and 

As for the ._tx format, it's never personally bothered me and I'm not sure 
why we want to get rid of it, but if there's something better or people 
want to improve it, fine. I'm not specifically attached to it either.


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