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Now that 4.3 is being focused on, we need to think about what is absolutely
nesessary for allegro to include in its core for "VFS" features.
IMO Allegro 4.2 has most of the features its going to need, except they need
to be moved to the system driver, or a separate "fs driver" (to enable
different drivers per system, stdio vs. win32 etc).
At the bare minimum I think allegro needs all the basics you find in stdio,
open, close, read, write, stat, opendir, readdir, closedir, getcwd, path
conversion functions, ie: win2unix, unix2win, etc.
My current work in progress VFS system resides here:
www: http://svn.tomasu.org/index.cgi/vfs/browse/trunk/
svn: http://svn.tomasu.org/repos/vfs/trunk/
Not much is left to do in my wip system. And allegro DOES need some fs/vfs
hooks to allow its media (graphics, sound, etc) to be loaded from any format
a user wishes to use, like dat, zip, etc. (my vfs will include a zip handler)
Thomas Fjellstrom