[AD] Audio code and endian-ness

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I'm just working on Allegro on the Intel Mac. I notice that playing
samples doesn't work - it sounds all wrong. In the OSX-specific code,
there is this (cadigi.m:172)

  input_format_desc.mFormatFlags = kAudioFormatFlagIsBigEndian |
kAudioFormatFlagIsSignedInteger | kLinearPCMFormatFlagIsPacked;

I think this is just an endian issue; when I remove the
kAudioFormatFlagIsBigEndian flag from the list, it seems to work OK.
This makes sense as the PPC is big endian and the i386 is not.

However this only makes sense if there's some other endian-switching
code elsewhere, that was active in the PPC port and is not active in
the i386 port. But, I can't find it.

Can anyone help?


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