[AD] online SVN change log |
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I've imported the XML SVN change log into the a.cc database and set up
a minimalistic interface here:
The obvious reason for this is simply to provide an easy way to search
through the change logs on A.cc.
However, it might be useful as a way to generate release change logs
for new versions of Allegro. It's been commented several times that
creating the change log is the most annoying aspect of doing a new
(I've not been keeping up with the mailing list recently, so if a
solution already exists, just kindly ignore the next part.)
I'm proposing to make this a group task where any trusted user can
keep the changelog up to date online. When time to release a new
version of Allegro, one simply needs to supply the proper criteria and
choose to download the changelog.
It works like this:
* A.cc automatically imports the new items from XML change log as needed.
* Trusted users go in and mark items as Minor or Major, and provide a
better description.
* The release manager downloads the changelog when releasing a new
version of Allegro.
I set up a few people as admins (Peter W, Elias, Evert) just so you
can test out the idea. I've only spent an hour on this, so don't judge
the idea by the current interface. ;) If it's something that will be
useful, I can refine the interface as needed to make it as simple as
possible. Right now it's rather cumbersome.
Benefits to this system could include monitoring & notifications, such
as being alerted whenever a file changes or being reminded to go
through the unclassified items, etc.
Matthew Leverton