Re: [AD] Volunteer to help make release

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> Well, I started new. Maybe we should add a new policy that changes._tx
> and thanks._tx is to be updated with each commit? I think I've seen that
> in other projects, and it seems to make a lot of sense :)

Yes, it does. It should still be checked before each new release, but the 
update would be smaller.

> If anyone has done something and it was overlooked, please do tell so.

I'll go through my local list of patches this afternoon (was anything new 
commited dor the Windows unicode filename support?), then zip her up.
By the way, the release scripts haven't been updated, have they? Most of 
the changes are trivial, but I'd appreciate a suggestion on how to tackle 
`make sure top level directory is called allegro', because that one is a 
bit annoying. I can work around it easily manually, of course.

> Oh, and I didn't bother hunting for missing email addresses.

Fine. I personally doubt they're used much anyway. ;)

> Lastly, welcome Milan Mimica as new member to the "plenty of other
> things" clan :)



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