[AD] Re: Alleg-developers digest, Vol 1 #1532 - 1 msg

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The target is more interesting than simple C# bindings. It is not a single Allegro class with static methods with pinvokes to all Allegro C functions. What would be cool is an object-oriented front-end. It would need to use some C# techniques like event handlers, delegates. How would you feel if you had to use a binding to Scheme that made you feel like you were programming C?
Kirill Kononenko
mail: Kirill.KononenkotATgmailDOTcom
PGP/GPG public key available on request

2006/5/2, alleg-developers-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx < alleg-developers-request@xxxxxxxxxx>:
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Today's Topics:

  1. Re: Allegro# in the Google Summer of Code 2006 (Jon Rafkind)


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 01 May 2006 18:39:54 -0400
From: Jon Rafkind < workmin@xxxxxxxxxx>
To:  alleg-developers@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [AD] Allegro# in the Google Summer of Code 2006
Reply-To: alleg-developers@xxxxxxxxxx

>>Is anyone interested in taking part in this?
>>Kirill Kononenko
>>mail: Kirill.KononenkoATgmailDOTcom
>>PGP/GPG public key available on request
>Well somebody already has made .NET bindings for allegro and it's open source.
>Maybe somebody can take that and port it over to dotnet.
>For more information take a look here:
I started to bind Allegro to Java and I am in the process of binding
Allegro to MzScheme. While useful its really not that hard, you just use
whatever foreign function interface exists for your language and make a
foriegn call to every single Allegro function. Tedious yes, hard no.


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