Re: [AD] #allegro SVN commit info

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On 4/11/06, Elias Pschernig <elias@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Btw., how is the state of AllegroGL's commit messages?

I've contacted Micah Dowty, who runs CIA, and from my perspective we
have 3 options:

1. Have CIA relay the XML message from SF's script to CBotsPlay
2. Have one of the CIA bots join #allegro and have it manage the
commit messages.
3. Have CBotsPlay poll SF's svn repo and detect commits.

At this point I'm not sure which method is better. I don't like #2,
because it feels too "generic", if you know what I mean. I suppose #1
is the best method, I'll just have to find out the format of the
messages. I'll email him this later.

Ryan Patterson <mailto:cgamesplay@xxxxxxxxxx>

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