Re: [AD] #allegro SVN commit info |
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On Mon, 2006-04-10 at 18:37 -0400, Ryan Patterson wrote:
> We (Elias and I) have recently installed a hook to BAFServ's SVN
> repository, which sends SVN commit information to CBotsPlay (my IRC
> bot to replace the old one, Allegro), who sends the information to
> #allegro. In other words:
> We now have SVN log information being broadcast to #allegro on
> If you're ever feeling chatty, be sure to drop by.
> Maybe you can help some newbies out, and get up-to-the-minute SVN
> information :)
Oh no, and I missed the first real commit message of Evert's commit.
Well, let's hope there will be more messages again after 4.2.1 is out
and everyone will be hacking on 4.3 :)
Btw., how is the state of AllegroGL's commit messages?
Elias Pschernig