Re: [AD] Re: linux compile fix

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Elias Pschernig wrote:

So the patch shouldn't get applied?

Should not! I found later it causes a strange compile error with --enable-linux=yes:
In file included from ./src/i386/icsprite.c:30:
/usr/include/stdio.h:281: error: syntax error before "_IO_cookie_io_functions_t"

(In any case, I'll leave it to someone else to deal with this, since I
don't know much about the console stuff. Or, is there a simple test-case
somewhere which shows the problem?)

$ ./configure --enable-linux=no
$ make
... will fail.

It's not much about console. Is there a way to figure out whether we are building on linux? ALLEGRO_LINUX is not it. Any non-existent autoconf experts around? :-)

Milan Mimica

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