Re: [AD] More "mprotect" troubles (4.2.1 showstopper?)

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> 4) I do wonder about the speed gain with modern processors as the code
>     generator also contains a loop, wouldn't it be better to put the loop
>     in the actual asm code instead of unrolling it, that what make the
>     code quite a bit smaller, which could be a real gain with modern
>     processors intensive reliance on cache.

Maybe. On the other hand, I would not recommend spending too much time to 
optimise the generated asm code further. It does not work on non-i386 
machines anyway (which includes 64 bit machines in native mode) and it'll 
be a low priority when working on 4.3, for which at least the initial 
versions would be C only.
Thanks for your great work though. :-)


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