[AD] More "mprotect" troubles (4.2.1 showstopper?)

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I'm working on a nice clean fix for this involving a temp file and mmap as described in the above url.

Also notice that even without selinux the current mprotect patch is incomplete, it doesn't make the code generated in src/i386/icsprite.c executable.

I think I have a fix wednesday at the latest, is that in time for 4.2.1?

I'll make the fix conditonal on unix, or maybe even linux it will require:

My idea is the following:

Use a grow_buffer and a buffer macro (I wil come up with better names) in opcodes.h and use these instead of _grow_scratch_mem and _scratch_mem. grow_buffer and buffer will normally be defined to _grow_scratch_mem and _scratch_mem leaving things unchanged, but they will use mmap and mremap (for growing) on a tempfile when needed.



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