Re: [AD] Re: Build Errors on Mac OSX (x86)

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Hello, I'm on holiday at the moment so I can't do much, but I guess that the combination of MACOSX and I386 is not totally independent. I can try and look at this when I get back; tricky though as I don't have a x86 Mac. I had an email a while ago from someone who did but I can't get in touch with him again (I think someone gave him mey email on #allegro)

On 10/03/06, Evert Glebbeek <eglebbk@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Sunday 05 March 2006 14:19, Miguel A. Gavidia wrote:
> I don't know if this will affect anything later on, but I changed two
> (237 and 297) in include/allegro/platform/al386gcc.h from:
> " .balign 4, 0x90 ; " to " .align 4, 0x90 ; "

What is the difference in functionality?
Have you tried a C-only version of the library? Since the MacOS X port was
not written with the i386 asm code (and some of its non-standard calling
conventions) in mind, I would give the C only port a better chance of
working as expected.

> get this error:
> src/macosx/qtmidi.m: In function 'osx_midi_init':
> src/macosx/qtmidi.m:127: error: incompatible types in assignment
> src/macosx/qtmidi.m:128: error: incompatible types in assignment
> make: *** [obj/macosx/alleg/qtmidi.o] Error 1

No idea, sorry. Have you checked Apple's documentation to see what sort of
type that should be? Any thoughts on why this would be different on the
Intel port?

> ld: warning -prebind ignored because MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET environment
> variable greater or equal to 10.4
> ld: Undefined symbols:
> __stub_bank_switch
> __stub_unbank_switch
> /usr/bin/libtool: internal link edit command failed
> make: *** [lib/macosx/liballeg-4.2.1.dylib] Error 1
> Here I'm stumped.....
> :-/

That'll be the ASM calling conventions the port was not designed to handle.
Please try recompiling with only the C code.


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