Re: [AD] stretch_blit GFX_HW_VRAM_BLIT ?

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On Friday 27 January 2006 14:40, Evert Glebbeek wrote:
> Yes. This actually raises another problem: the gfx_capabilities flags are
> almost all taken. What do we do with new capabilities that we might add?

Deprecate gfx_capabilities and make a get_gfx_cap_status() function. You'd 
pass it the same flags as it has now. For the flags, if the top bit is not 
set on the given flag, it'd basically just check gfx_capabilities and return 
TRUE of FALSE. If the top bit *is* set, it'd check against an internal 
gfx_capabilities2 variable and return TRUE or FALSE.

int get_gfx_cap_status(uint32_t flag)
    return (flag&gfx_capabilities) ? TRUE : FALSE;

  flag &= ~0x80000000;
  return (flag&gfx_capabilities2) ? TRUE : FALSE;

This would give 62 potential flags, which should be enough for the 4.2 branch, 
while something better can be done for 4.3+.

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