Re: [AD] Problem with screen shearing on MAC OS X

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Thanks to your help and suggestions I have my client
running on my Mac Mini at a comfortable 70+ fps.  

First attempt was to simply use everything as-is
(video bitmap art and ui) and swap in the screen
instead of the video bitmap buffers for the screen:
  a. acquire screen
  b. graphics loop to blit art onto the screen
  c. release screen.

This attempt had the same shearing effects, though the
framerate was a tad better.

Next I fired up the Allegro Demo.  The only mode that
would work on my Mac was the Double Buffer mode (and
dirty rectangles since its a variation of the db
mode).  Page flipping mode did not work (gave me a
'not enough memory to allocate pages for flipping'

With my second attempt, I altered my asset loader to
create everything as a memory bitmap (swap
create_video_bitmap with create_bitmap) instead of a
video bitmap.  I then created my page flipping buffers
with create_bitmap instead of create_video_bitmap. 
Eureka!  My Mac client was working!  Although at a
paltry 30fps.

My final alteration was to allocate everything as a
system bitmap and the frame rate jumped to 70+ fps and
everything is cool now!

Again, thanks a lot, Pete.  You have helped me turn
this near defeat into a complete success!

Kirk Black

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