Re: [AD] About 4.3

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On Friday, December 2, 2005, at 12:59  pm, Peter Wang wrote:

The stuff sitting in the new_api_branch at the moment is enough for a
4.3.0 release, except that the OSX port is broken.  Peter Hull, I'm not
putting any pressure on you, but if you have some free time ;-)

Well, I awarded myself an 'Allegro holiday' for a couple of weeks. Yesterday, I checked out the new_api_branch again. I have only got as far as confirming that it really _is_ broken. Another thing I noticed is that display.c and display.h are apparently needed for the demo game but are missing. Is this correct?

The other thing I've done is hacked up an 'insurance policy' version of the 4.2.x branch that uses OpenGL instead of the soon-to-be-deprecated QuickDraw. Due to the way the OSX port works this was only a small change (though I've only done windowed-mode at the moment). There are rumours that the Intel Macs are due to be launched at MacWorld Expo in San Francisco in January. I don't expect Intel Macs to support QuickDraw, hence something else is needed. Performance is not great on my machine, as I only use glDrawPixels. However the Intel Macs are supposed to be much quicker so it will hopefully come out equal.



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