Re: [AD] Subversion

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On Wed, 2005-11-02 at 13:32 +0100, Julien Cugnière wrote:
> I would like to mention that Subversion does not (yet) support *true* 
> renames. This means that "svn rename A B" is in fact just a shortcut for 
> "svn copy A B; svn delete A". This preserves history, and most of the 
> time works OK, but there are subtle side effects, and not all svn 
> commands are rename-aware.
> Here is an example, that I got from some subversion doc, although I 
> don't remember which:
>   * revision 100: branch is created from trunk
>   * revision 101: trunk/a.txt is edited
>   * revision 102: branch/a.txt is renamed to branch/b.txt
> If you try to merge revision 101 from "trunk" to "branch", svn will 
> complain that branch/a.txt does not exist. This works if you explicitely 
> merge from "trunk/a.txt" to "branch/b.txt", but this isn't exactly 
> convenient if there are more than 1 file modified in revision 101.

I see. I actually tried i, and I get this:

Skipped missing target: 'a.txt'
A    b.txt

And nothing gets modified.

> If you try to merge revision 102 from branch to trunk, then trunk/a.txt 
> will be replaced by branch/b.txt, undoing the modifications from 
> revision 101 ! This is because revision 102 contains a copy and a delete 
> rather than a rename.

Here it just says:

Skipped missing target: 'b.txt'
A    a.txt

And doesn't actually modify anything as well.

It's nice that you also can simply get a diff of what it tries to change
by replacing "svn merge" with "svn diff" :) In the first case, it gave:

Index: a.txt
--- a.txt       (.../trunk)     (revision 87)
+++ a.txt       (.../branch/mybranch)   (revision 87)
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-This is the modified a.txt.
Index: b.txt
--- b.txt       (.../trunk)     (revision 0)
+++ b.txt       (.../branch/mybranch)   (revision 87)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+This is the original a.txt.

In the second:

Index: b.txt
--- b.txt       (.../branch/mybranch)   (revision 87)
+++ b.txt       (.../trunk)     (revision 87)
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-This is the original a.txt.
Index: a.txt
--- a.txt       (.../branch/mybranch)   (revision 0)
+++ a.txt       (.../trunk)     (revision 87)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+This is the modified a.txt.

But, I think the case we will have in Allegro is like this:
"branch" is the 4.2.x, "trunk" 4.3.x (or any other directory names)

* revision 101: trunk/a.txt is renamed to b.txt
* revision 102: trunk/b.txt is modified

And now, you can simply merge the changes from trunk to the 4.2.0
branch. (Either including or excluding the name change, depending on
which revisions you specify.)

Elias Pschernig

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