[AD] Allegro 4.3 file location API

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I added some thoughts about a file location API to the wiki: http://awiki.tomasu.org/bin/view/Main/FileSystems

Here's what I wrote:

Different platforms store files in different places, so paths can't be hardcoded. I propose a simple API like this:

const char* get_file_location(enum FILE_LOCATION);
void set_app_identifier(const char*);

The 'app identifier' is a 'unique' name for your application (could be a reversed domain name » like Java), so for example on Unix-like systems:
SYSTEM_SETTINGS -> /usr/local/share/allegro/
APP_RESOURCES -> /usr/local/share/${APP_ID}/
USER_SETTINGS -> ${HOME}/.allegro/$(APP_ID}/

On Windows: (need to check this, anyway there are W32 Shell API functions to get these) SYSTEM_SETTINGS -> c:\documents and settings\all users\application data\allegro\
APP_RESOURCES -> c:\program files\%APP_ID%\
USER_SETTINGS -> c:\documents and settings\%USER%\application data\%APP_ID%\

System settings wouldn't be used much, only by things like the 'setup' program.

 What do you think?


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