[AD] fbcon directcolor modes patch, and possible other patches

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Hi there,

I started playing again with Allegro after more than a year,
and found two annoying things with the FB driver.

- it needs two mode sets to actually set the mode properly
- directcolor modes don't set a ramp colormap, and thus get
  a buggered palette

Here's a patch for the second issue. I don't know what the
problem is for the first. I tried dumping the data from the
fb_fix_screeninfo after the first and second mode sets, and
they seem to be the same. It might be a bug in the Linux FB
driver for my card (an ATI radeon).

The patch compiles with a 2.4 and a 2.6 kernel, don't know
about earlier ones, my 2.2 box is sound asleep...

Also, I reviewed my list of personal patches, and there are
a few you might be interested in (and a few you already said
you didn't want :))

So, would you be interested in:

- adding a lines array to RLE sprites (speeds up clipping)
- 2 patches to check /dev/input/mice by default is the user
  supplied device doesn't work (in addition to /dev/mouse)
- s/export/exporter/ in datedit.h (so it compiles when used
  by a C++ program, but breaks the datedit API)

I have others, but these are the ones that are most likely
to be of interest to you that I can remember off the top of
my head.

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