Re: [AD] Focusing on priorities and the philosophy behind our constributions (was: malloc)

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On Sun, 2005-11-20 at 13:46 +0100, Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz wrote:
> Haha, today I'm feeling funny, so let me interrupt this thread
> (which at the moment seems to have ended with Peter posting the
> malloc script).

I like it when you are feeling funny :)

This certainly completely answers aj's question, Allegro being free
software and all..

> Tell me. Tell everybody. Why are you here? What keeps you here? What
> is your plan?  Just stop developing and express yourself. We need
> a hug. Lets make a group hug and explain why we are wasting time
> here instead of enjoying some time with our families.

I think I already said in that last big thread in the dev
forum, I don't really know. It's fun, and I have nothing better to do. I
mean, others may watch TV every evening.. and I have no TV.

Just before, someone posted this in #allegro:

<white_door> I'm quite proud to say this is all my work.

So, that shows why we spend time with programming retro games to me,
looking at the screenshot just tells me, that's what I want to do :)
(Now how this gets me into coding everything else but actually focusing
on finishing a game, except during speedhacks, I dunno.. that's the
point of it for me somehow i think..)

Oh, and since you mention AlPy, I actually started just yesterday
porting a simply pygame game i was working on (just to try it out) over
to AlPy, when downloading it again due to that Ruby thread on pygame is very poor in handling internationalized keyboard
input compared to Allegro, e.g. it won't let me insert [ and ] in my
in-game python console - so I have to switch. Just tells me that Allegro
is really a good lib and therefore good choice to work on, even beating
SDL in one respect here already..

Elias Pschernig

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