Re: [AD] Focusing on priorities and the philosophy behind our constributions (was: malloc) |
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- To: alleg-developers@xxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: Re: [AD] Focusing on priorities and the philosophy behind our constributions (was: malloc)
- From: Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz <gradha@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Sat, 26 Nov 2005 22:20:35 +0100
On 2005-11-20, Victor <vwss1984@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> By the way. If the patches are preserved for long time until
> the hour they can be applied, i sent a patch in february, a
> few days after the 4.1.18 release but never was commited due
> to 4.2.0 feature freeze. Now that 4.2.0 is out, this means i
> don't need to rewrite/readapt/wathever it for 4.3?
Most likely you want to repost it to bring again attention to
it. Otherwise it will sleep in some dev's mailbox for unknown time.