Re: [AD] Focusing on priorities and the philosophy behind our constributions (was: malloc)

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On 2005-11-20, Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz <gradha@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Tell me. Tell everybody. Why are you here? What keeps you here? What
> is your plan?  Just stop developing and express yourself. We need
> a hug. Lets make a group hug and explain why we are wasting time
> here instead of enjoying some time with our families.

If your excuse is your Python binding then I have a similar one :-) I
also want to be able to write games with a high level language.  At the
moment the language is Mercury, but it has and likely will change again
over time.

I think Allegro has a place.  OpenGL has the graphics API space covered,
but it does not handle all the other things you need for a game.  There
are other libraries in a similar space as Allegro, but there are things
I don't like about them (not just that they are not called "Allegro").
I had a chance to design the new event system to my liking and in a way
I thought more suitable for use from a high level language.  That is my
"technical" excuse for staying here.

But really, though I might have ideas of working on games for fun, it's
not that much fun anymore.  I don't have the motivation and rarely play
games now.  Working on infrastructure--crafting tools that I imagine I
might want some day--is easier.  It's a waste of time, but it gives me
something to do.  And it's (still) a bit of fun.


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