Re: [AD] build process overhaul

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On Sat, 2005-11-26 at 21:10 -0500, Jon Rafkind wrote:

> Attached is something, although wildly unfinished. There are multiple 
> ways to build a project with SCons but I think I like this way so far. 
> The technique is to have a top-level SConstruct that calls SConscript 
> files in subdirectories that each return a list of files that should be 
> built and linked together to form This makes it easy to 
> return a different list of files for different platforms since all the 
> SConscript files have to do is include the SConscript files for the 
> correct platform, i.e. src/unix, src/linux for linux and src/win for 
> windows, etc.

I would prefer something like:

      keep this clean from build files please

I.e., keep all the src directories clean of build files, have a single
SConstruct file in the top dir, and put all helper scripts into a scons
dir (which may be hierarchical itself if it makes sense). So there's not
so much clutter.
> The first hurdle I have stumbled upon is that scons thinks 
> src/linux/svgalibs.s is a "static" file and cant be compiled into a 
> shared library. Im not sure what this is about but I will investigate.

The .s files should be compiled with gcc -x assembler-with-cpp. Not sure
if scons does dependencies for them, but a custom scanner (or just some
Depend() calls) would be quite trivial for them.

> The scons build doesnt do anything fancy like creating the platform 
> specific header files nor the config.h file, but Ill get to that at some 
> point.

Heh, yes. Actually, if we first have a unix build only, that would be a
good first step.

> One more thing, I used map, lambda, and reduce which I guess some people 
> dont like so if anyone is really opposed to using these things feel free 
> to change them or just complain until I change them.

Dunno, Peter Wang gave me this link on - so Guido van Rossum
himself seems to be among the people who don't like it:

Elias Pschernig

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