Re: [AD] Program hangs

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On Tuesday 13 September 2005 07:35 am, Elias Pschernig wrote:
+   Acquires the specified video memory bitmap prior to drawing onto it. You 
+   never need to call this function, it is very low level, and only will give
+   you a speed up if you know what you are doing. Using it wrongly, you may 
+   down your program, or do worse things.

This sounds a bit odd. It would probably be better rewritten to say:
"Acquires the specified video memory bitmap prior to drawing onto it. You 
never need to call the function explicitly as it is low level, and will only 
give you a speed up if you know what you are doing. Using it wrongly may 
cause slowdown, or even lock up your program."

    Note that if you are using hardware accelerated VRAM-&gtVRAM blits, you 
-   not call acquire_bitmap().
+   not call acquire_bitmap() under DirectDraw.

I don't understand this change. AFAIK, no accelerated VRAM->VRAM blit should 
have the bitmap acquired, DirectDraw or not. I think it's just that 
DirectDraw is the only driver that properly implements that accelerated 
function, but that could change.

+   An example *how it is used wrong*:

Would probably read better: "An example of *how it is used wrong*:", and I 
think this example is a bit confusing. That would only be wrong if the sprite 
was a video bitmap, which isn't implied anywhere.

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