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On Tue, 2005-09-13 at 16:08 +0200, Christer Sandberg wrote:
> The program below hangs when show_mouse calls install_int which in turn calls
> lock_mutex. It may take some iterations until it hangs (it's a bit random,
> the rest time will affect the probability). If I move show_mose to outside of
> the section with acquired screen I don't get the error, at least not within a
> reasonable time. The same if I remove either rest or vsync.
> I can't find anything about such restrictions in the docs, so I assume that
> this is a bug.
> I ran this program on Mandrake 10.0 and 10.1, static build with
> Allegro 4.2.0 (beta4).
Yes, you can't call show_mouse while the screen is acquired.
Elias Pschernig