Re: [AD] TRACEs in xkeyboard.c

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On Sat, 2005-09-24 at 12:48 +0200, Evert Glebbeek wrote:
> On Saturday 24 September 2005 12:41, Elias Pschernig wrote:
> > Can you elaborate? Is this something supposed to be already present in
> > Allegro? (Docs, configure --help and header files indicate otherwise..)
> Have a look at makefile.all:
> #     Environment variables:
> #        DEBUGMODE=1        selects a debug build.
> #        DEBUGMODE=2        selects a build intended to debug Allegro 
> itself.

Yes, seems windows only:

> grep -r DEBUGMODE src include
src/win/wddbmp.c:#ifdef DEBUGMODE
src/win/wdsinput.c:#ifdef DEBUGMODE
src/win/wdsndmix.c:#ifdef DEBUGMODE
src/win/wdsound.c:#ifdef DEBUGMODE
src/win/wjoydx.c:#ifdef DEBUGMODE
src/win/wkeybd.c:#ifdef DEBUGMODE
src/win/wmouse.c:#ifdef DEBUGMODE
include/allegro/base.h:#if (defined DEBUGMODE) && (defined FORTIFY)
include/allegro/base.h:#if (defined DEBUGMODE) && (defined DMALLOC)
include/allegro/debug.h:#ifdef DEBUGMODE
include/allegro/platform/aintwin.h:#if DEBUGMODE >= 2
include/bealleg.h:#ifdef DEBUGMODE
include/winalleg.h:      #ifdef DEBUGMODE

What it does is, it defines a macro _TRACE (with underscore), which is
only used if DEBUGMODE >= 2. And which also doesn't use al_trace to
write the message, but sends it somewhere else. The same could be done
for other platforms of course, just need to change all TRACE into
_TRACE, and for the unix based build process, also add a configure

I made a much simpler patch for now though (see other reply).. maybe it
is enough.

Elias Pschernig

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