Re: [AD] Re: file_select_ex patch

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On Fri, 2005-09-16 at 14:11 -0700, Chris wrote:

> > the /home directory usually is read-only, but of course
> > the file selector should show it
> But there's only one directory in /home that'll be writeable to you. Your own, 

No, I have /home/web there. My home dir is not outside readable, so
apache accessible files have their own home under the web user. Oh,
and /var/www is another example of a directory which would get
inaccessible with -r with your change. /var is read-only, still /var/www
is where I drop apache files into.

> which you can get to via $HOME. And also as I said before, I was planning on 
> using the drive area that DOS/Windows has in the file selector for a common 
> directories section.. eg $HOME, $HOME/Desktop, /, etc.. so you can easilly 
> get to it if you happen to not be there already.

Well, from the implementation view, I'd agree, -r should not show
read-only directories. But from any possible use scenario, I think it
must show all directories which may contain writeable files in them -
the "-r" is for files after all, and not directories.

Elias Pschernig

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