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On 2005-09-08, Peter Hull <peter.hull90@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >>e.g.
> >
> This is the bit I read: (right at the bottom) (Interested in having
> your project be Project of the Month?  Here's how to apply, it's
> easy: Write a note to staff@xxxxxxxxxx with the subject line: POTM.
> Mention your project name and why you think your project should
> be selected.)

Ah, that rules it out. Somebody has to make the personal commitment
of answering those questions and posing as Allegro's owner.

> Allegro is the 300th most popular project according to the stats,
> GRM (August's entry) is the 30th most popular. So, we could wait
> another 22 years and see if we get picked ;)

Sounds like an optimistic deadline.

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