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On Thursday, September 8, 2005, at 04:31 pm, Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz wrote:

On 2005-09-01, Peter Hull <peter.hull90@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Just wondering, is it worth submitting Allegro as
SourceForge's Project of the Month once 4.2 is out?

From that page it says the project is picked up by them from the
thousands on SF. I understand they get to see statistics of each
project and go for the most popular ones.

This is the bit I read: (right at the bottom)
(Interested in having your project be Project of the Month? Here's how to apply, it's easy: Write a note to staff@xxxxxxxxxx with the subject line: POTM. Mention your project name and why you think your project should be selected.)

Allegro is the 300th most popular project according to the stats, GRM (August's entry) is the 30th most popular. So, we could wait another 22 years and see if we get picked ;)


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