Re: [AD] MSVC 8 cl flags

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Matthew Leverton wrote:
Wouldn't be better to define _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE ?

I just suggested /wd4996 because I knew it worked. If there is a
better way of doing it, then I'm all for it.

MSDN recommends this define on his page about C4996 Warning:,vs.80).aspx

However I have not msvc8 beta so I cannot test it myself.

I didn't mean to suggest
to disable the warnings whenever someone used Allegro, but only when
Allegro was built. If people try to compile Allegro with MSVC 8 they
will probably think it failed, because of all the warnings. For some
reason, people think warnings = didn't work. :P

If people want to disable the warnings when using Allegro on their own
project, then it should be up to them to do that.

I'm also talking only about building Allegro not building with Allegro :-)


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