Re: [AD] ABI document update

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On Saturday 20 August 2005 03:03, Peter Wang wrote:
> On 2005-08-19, Robert Barbieri <binarygrind@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > I noticed that the CVS abi._tx says that the ABI for MacOS X will be PPC
> > only.
> > Will this change in the future to include Mac Intel when they become
> > publicly available (and some one gets one ;-) )
> Perhaps.  We can't guarantee anything for a platform that doesn't exist
> yet :-)
> Peter
Apple have made a point of claiming that PPC->Intel is just a matter of 
ticking a box in the XCode IDE, so I would anticipate that the OSX specific 
code should port easily. What needs to be changed is the assumption that a 
Mac build is necessarily little-endian, and that it must use the C versions 
of the blit functions. 

I am not likely to buy one of Apple's developer preview PCs, so unless anyone 
else is, we'll have to wait until the Intel Macs are officially launched, 
next year.


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