Re: [AD] namespace conflict with curses

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> > And with that, Thomas hit the nail on the head: BITMAP will be
> > 4.3 (except in the compatibility layer, of course) and not before.
> Note that BITMAP and AL_BITMAP may not have to be the same type
> eventually.


> Do you mean you don't want to fix the hline/vline conflict for 4.2?
> Unlike the case with BITMAP the hline/vline conflict causes problems at
> the linker level.  The third option I listed is rather simple, too.

Also true, and if we want to fix it then the time to do so would be right
now, before 4.2.0 release, and I think that the third option would be the
way to go.
The reason I would hesitate to do this has to do with binary compatibility:
are we already commited to ABI compatibility with either of the beta's or
RC1 (which isn't public, so shouldn't matter)? I don't think we strictly
have to be, but I'd still prefer to be if we can.
That's my only objection in this case. If you can argue that it's no
problem to break ABI compatibility with the beta's, then feel free to go
That's assuming that making this change does indeed break ABI
compatibility, which as far as I can see it would.


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