Re: [AD] indentation

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On 2005-08-21, Thomas Fjellstrom <tfjellstrom@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On August 21, 2005 02:58 pm, Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz wrote:
> > Yes, that's wrong. It would be right to use 3 or 4 columns for
> > indentation and 8 colums for a tab.
> Its hardly wrong. Historically it was 8 columns, but I set mine to 3. all 
> indentation is saved as tabs, and my editor is set to display indentation as 
> a 3 space wide chunk of whitespace.
> And if you like 8 spaces, you can set your editor to that, and my code won't 
> look any worse than it did at 3, besides that it'll take up more horizonatal 
> screen space.

More than likely there will be a mixture of spaces and tabs (due to some
formatting styles or different editors, etc.), thus in practice large
tracts of code will look terrible except at the original setting.
Never mind that you won't see the code with your intended indentation
when you just cat it out, stuff it in diff, put it on a web page, etc.
without extra effort.

But we have a compromise so we wouldn't discuss this anymore!


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