Re: [AD] indentation

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On 2005-08-21, Elias Pschernig <elias@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> The problem is, only tview applications see tab as the concept
> of moving to the multiple of 8 columns.

What is a tview application? Is that firefox's new nickname?

> Besides, try viewing a diff of some Allegro source.. it will now
> obviously make the first indentation only 7 chars and look wrong.

I would blame patch for not accepting diffs generated with
--initial-tab and -u together.

> And in an editor which uses 3 or 4 columns for a tab, it really
> gets completely unintelligable.

Yes, that's wrong. It would be right to use 3 or 4 columns for
indentation and 8 colums for a tab.

PD: Ignore me and apply your patch.

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