Re: [AD] set_config_file jumping around on OS X bundles

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> > - Decide if this isn't a bit late to go into 4.2.0
> In my opinion, it is. I think we're beyond the `add function to vtable'
> stage.
As long as we are allowed to make this sort of change for 4.2.1, then
I say it's too late.
> > - If yes, find a way what to do for 4.2.0 (some platform specific
> >   set_config_file/override_config_file magic)
Well, if we think that we are going to be improving it in the near
future, I'm satisfied with leaving it as is, and just putting a
warning in the documentation that says that you may not call
set_config_file before allegro_init if your application is sitting in
a OS X bundle.

Matthew Leverton

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