Re: Re: [AD] set_config_file jumping around on OS X bundles

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On Mon, 2005-08-22 at 11:48 -0500, Matthew Leverton wrote:
> >
> Would it make more sense to let the programmer define the name of his
> game? like:
> set_app_name("My Game");

Yes, that would work just as well as the paramter of course.

> It could be used perhaps for other things as well. Under Windows
> 2000+, set_config_file() could used the Application Data + app name +
> config file name for the location. If one isn't specified, it could
> store in the local folder. This wouldn't break backward compatibility
> at all.
> I don't know well that would work with other platforms though.

I guess, we agree then that it would be the proper way to deal with
this. Now we just need to:
- Decide if this isn't a bit late to go into 4.2.0
- If yes, find a way what to do for 4.2.0 (some platform specific
  set_config_file/override_config_file magic)
- If it can be done still.. implement it as fast as possible.

Elias Pschernig

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