Re: [AD] extract font range fix

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Evert Glebbeek wrote:

Does this supersede the previous one, or should they be applied one after the other?

Supersedes the pervious one.

Also, can you give some brief comments on the nature of the bugs that are fixed and the context in which you encountered them? Helpful for the CVS changelog at least. :)

I discovered this bugs while implementing extract_font_range for allegrogl.


first: inability to extract, e.g, range (50, 80) from font with two ranges, e.g., (30, 60) and (70, 90). With the fix, the now font in this case would have two ranges: (50, 60) and (70, 80).

second: passing -1 as the third argument to extract_font_range() would omit the last glyph

third: extract_font_range() would return NULL if you pass, e.g, 30, -1, because begin < end check at the beginning of the function would fail.

Milan Mimica

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