Re: [AD] Zero sized bitmaps

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On Monday 22 August 2005 02:46 pm, AJ wrote:
> should all the non speed critical functions have ASSERTs for valid input
> , such as  set_gfx_mode() could have a w,h assert for >0

That's usually the idea. However, not set_gfx_mode since there are some 
drivers that specificly ignore values, or that don't need proper arguments. 
GFX_TEXT, for example, is typically passed four 0's. GFX_SAFE will ignore the 
width/height if it couldn't first set them, and fall back on default values.

Most non-speed critical functions already ASSERT on explicitly invalid values. 
(you generally don't want to ASSERT on undefined values, since they could be 
used later; only ones that are explicitly stated as invalid).

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